Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all

Dearest Henry...

It's fall.  The leaves turn beautiful colors and start to fall off the trees.  The nights get cooler and apples and pumpkins start appearing at the grocery store.  Diva loves fall and your brothers love playing in the leaves.  They are excited to show you this wonderful annual event.  

Look at my big boy sitting in the leaves.  You think they are pretty but found out quickly that they don't taste very good.  You did like throwing them and crunching them in your hand.

Charlie is demonstrating how much fun they are to run through!  

I'm with Oz, tossing them in the air is even more fun. 

It is so much fun watching you discover all these "firsts".  We love you so much and love to watch you explore the world around you.  There is a lot to discover Buddy.  Poppa has lots to explain to you and your big brothers will always be there to help too.   Happy Fall Y'all.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Where the Wild Things Are

Happy 8th Month Safari Birthday to Our Fearless Lion....

Your Mommy loves to create fun ways to celebrate you.  You are 8 months old now.  So Mommy decided that a Safari party would be a fun way to watch you grow.

Your Silly Diva is a Zebra and your Poppa is on Safari with his favorite hat and missionary pocket vest.   Did you notice the big snake crawling around Poppa's shoulder?  Watch out Poppa!

Mommy likes to get everybody in on the picture scene.  Charlie is a monkey and Oz has his tiger nose on.  Mommy has a animal print shirt on.  

What is the perfect food for all the wild animals in the back yard?  Why animal crackers of course!  You really liked them now that you have some teeth.

Thank you for letting us be a small part in the wild crazy first year of our littlest "wild thing".  Know that we are always excited at all the new things you are learning and new words.  Diva loves your baby there anything sweeter to a Diva's ear than laughter?