Happy First Birthday big boy. Here is your smash cake. It is a small cake that you are allowed to eat with your hands and make a big mess. You have never really had cake so we are not sure if you will like it or not. You and I practiced blowing out the candle. I would ask you how old is Henry? You would hold up one finger and then we would pretend it was a lit candle and we would practice blowing it out.

Your very sweet Mommy is a wonderful party planner and decided your birthday needed a theme. The theme was "Times Flies" she dressed you up like an airplane pilot and took your picture in front of the map. Just look how cute you are. The jacket you are wearing is the very first thing your Poppa bought your brother Oscar when he first heard that your Mommy was pregnant. You are the third handsome Bomgardner boy to wear it. Every time Poppa sees this jacket he reminds me that he bought that for you and your brothers.
Your incredible Mommy took pictures of you every month this year and made a banner of your cute face with a party hat on your head. We could tell how much you had grown and changed month by month. Your brothers and I would look at all the pictures and Oscar would say, I like number 4 best. Charlie would say, liked number 8 best. I would say, " I like them all best." Oscar would sigh, and say, "Silly Diva you can't like them all best you have to choose one."
One game we played with your friends was pin the propeller on the plane. Daddy drew the plane and Poppa and Diva colored it. Poppa's idea was to put pictures of you and your brothers inside the plane. I think it turned out really cute. We put a
blindfold on each person, spun them around and then they put the propeller on the paper . As you can see some one actually got it in the right place.
Here's a picture of your whole family in a balloon basket. I think it turned out really cute. Do you know how hard it is to get every one looking at silly Diva so Poppa could take the picture.

I helped with the food and games.
Thanks for letting us come to
your very first birthday party.
Your Diva and Poppa