Your Diva and Poppa
Your Diva and Poppa
Dear Henry,
Today Poppa had to put Lady to sleep as she had cancer in her spine and was in pain and unable to use her back legs at all. I was with you working with you on homeschooling when he took her to the vet. When Poppa called me to tell me that she was in the arms of Jesus I cried and cried. You saw me crying and were so concerned to see my tears.
I held you in my arms and told you that Lady had died and both of us cried together. I needed the hugs and someone to hold. Afterwards we looked at pictures of Lady together and I told you that you were her best friend. I can't begin to tell you how precious that time was with you and how much it meant to share my grief with you.
I miss her every day and it isn't getting much easier. I miss her greeting us at the door, jumping up in the recliner for cuddles. her excitement for a dog treat, and her pure joy at seeing her boys, especially your dad.
Thank you for your hugs, your tears, your very tender heart and your love for our sweet dog. It meant more than I can ever tell you. Diva
Dear Henry,
Today we got to watch a very special event in your life. We were able to be present at your baptism. You and your dad had attended the "Cannon Ball Classes" at church to prepare you for taking the next steps in your spiritual journey. You have been wanting to be baptized for several weeks now but have been unable as we have not been able to meet as a church.
Today, pastor Aaron changed the water in the baptismal pool and invited you and your dad to come for your baptism. You were able to invite your best buddy Jonas and his mom to watch as well as your family and of course your Poppa and Diva.
You told me afterward that the water was very cold. We are so proud of your decision to follow Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. We always love to hear your prayers. We love you so very much. Diva and Poppa