Henry, I like making cookies with you and I like eating cookies with you even more! You are my smallest Cookie Monster! Diva
Henry I hope you will always look up to your big brothers.
I love your curiosity and your willingness to try new things.
Henry we need to go on an ice cream cone date. I like doing fun things with you. Diva
Henry, you are my super hero when you do kind things for others and when you charge up Mommy’s batteries with your kisses.
Henry, I love watching you and your brothers play. You are so smart and I enjoy watching you build with Legos or do puzzles . I am so glad we live here now so we can see you all the time. Diva and Poppa
Henry, do you remember the two man rocket Poppa built for you out of my dining room chairs? I love your imagination and sense of adventure. Diva
Henry, Poppa and I love doing fun things with you and your family. We love you Buddy and hope we can always be close by to help you and hold you hand. Diva and Poppa
Henry, you make me laugh. I love your “Cool Running Shoes” songs and silly faces. You make everything an adventure. Diva
Henry, what a lucky boy you are to have so many wonderful books to read and look at. Your Mommy and Daddy love to read as well as your Poppa and me. One day you will be able to read all by yourself but until then feel free to snuggle up with me and we will read together. Diva
Henry, look how much you have grown since you caught your first fish at Uncle Joe’s pond . Quit growing so fast! Diva
Henry, I love to hear your prayers. Thank you for praying for Poppa and Me. Diva