You and Poppa played with Legos today. Poppa is a good builder and so are you. I laughed and laughed at Poppa because I think he is having a really good time by the way he is flying his lego plane. What do you think?
You and Charlie made some art work for my friend Miss Donna . She lives in a nursing home and is in a wheel chair. You gave her two Almond Joy candy bars and she let you hook the horn on her wheel chair. You were very sweet to my friend and that made my heart smile.

You got to pick out your favorite candy at the grocery store...you chose Sour gummy Octopus....(oh my, you really are your Poppa's boy!) You can be very determined and stubborn just like Poppa too.
Tonight, you wanted to wear your candy cane pajamas even though the pants were yours but the shirt was Charlie's. Charlie wanted to wear his shirt but you wouldn't wear any other shirt and insisted you had to wear Charlie's shirt. I had to bribe your brother to get his shirt or we would still be debating over it.
Sleep well little man....tomorrow is another day filled with adventure. I love you and we pray for you every single day.
Your Diva
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