Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dear Henry,.....Today is Tuesday and Poppa and Diva took you to where we work.  We work at a mission called Equipping the Saints.  We wanted you to meet some of our friends and let you do some mission work.

The first thing we did was roll some clothes and put it in the big box smasher.  Diva has a big mountain of clothes she calls Mt. Clothesmore.  It has lots of big black trash bags filled with clothing.  Poppa let you climb on it and took your picture.  Poppa doesn't usually let people climb on the clothes but you are special.OOne
Poppa took you on a tour of the building.  There are lots of rooms filled with lots of items like typewriters, computers, medical stuff, even musical instruments.  You really liked the drums and especially the keyboards.  
One thing you really enjoyed was popping bubble wrap.  You liked jumping and dancing on it and making it sound like firecrackers.  You laughed and laughed and even your big brothers thought it was a great idea.

This morning you and Oscar made a rocket ship out of my dinning room chairs.  You used shirts on your heads for helmets and Oz even made a seat belt for you.  You enjoy planning pretend.
We went to a special park today called "A Dream Come True".  It was made by a Girl Scout for her eagle project.  The playground is a place that even children with disabilities can play.  You liked it very much.  Especially the slides....Poppa had to run to keep up with you.

On the way home Poppa stopped at the Dollar Store and let you boys buy the best toy for 2 dollars....this is what you chose.

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