Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Poor Sick Boy

Dearest Henry,

This picture breaks my heart.  You are so small and in the hospital with RSV (respiratory virus).  They took an x-ray of your lungs and there is congestion in the right upper lobe.  You are wheezing and coughing .  You are getting breathing treatments.  Mommy is staying with you.  Please dear Jesus, touch our little Henry's body and bring healing.  Amen.

Your Diva

Friday, January 18, 2013

Good Morning Sweet Pea....

      Your Poppa and I have been watching Veggie Tales with your brothers so that's why the vegetable reference!)   Speaking of children's TV shows even Poppa can do the "Hot Digggety Dog Dance" now from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse programs and I think we have seen every "Blues Clues" Show every recorded.  Your brothers are both sick and we have been trying unsuccessfully to keep them away from you.   They love you so very much that it is really hard for them not to want to touch you or kiss you. 
It snowed last night so here is a picture of you and your Mommy out in the snow.  Snow falls from the sky and is white and fluffy and cold.  Your Daddy makes snows ice cream from time to time.  You'll like it when you are older.  Diva loves to be a part of your "firsts".  So this is your first snow day.

Speaking of firsts....this is your one week birthday.  We celebrated with cookies and making party hats.  We hope to celebrate many firsts with you and your brothers.  You may be the littlest person in our family but you have a large part of this Diva's heart.

Love you little man,

Your Diva

Saturday, January 12, 2013

All the Bomgardner Boys

Dearest Henry,
      Today is Saturday and your brothers could hardly wait to get to the hospital to see you (and of course Mommy and Daddy).  We stopped at Krispy Kreme doughnuts on the way to the hospital to bring some chocolate covered doughnuts to your Mommy.  You'll get to know that doughnuts are a special treat especially when they are still hot.(more on that later!)
     Your brothers have colds and we are trying very hard to keep them away from you so you don't get what they have.  Here's a picture of your Poppa and Diva.  We love you so very much and pray for you every single day. We will be so happy when we can bring you home.

      Sleep well, you are loved and cherished.

Your Diva

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello Henry!

Dearest Henry,

   Welcome to our world little one.  You have had a long day and so has your Mommy.  Your were born this afternoon and your Diva, Poppa and brothers have been waiting impatiently to see you.  We all got to hold you even big brother Oz and Charlie.  Thank you for making our family complete.

   Your Mom and Dad will be staying at the hospital with you for the next few days while Poppa and I watch after your brothers.  They really want you to come home now as they have been rocking a baby doll in the bassinet and singing to him getting ready for your arrival.

 Know that we have always loved you and will always love you and that we pray for you every single day.

So happy you are here now to be a forever part of our family and of our hearts.

Your Diva

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hugs are always free

Your Diva is a Hugger!

Dear Baby Henry,

Run for the hills....your Diva is a hugger and she'll get you every time! I certainly hope you will be a cuddly baby. Your momma was and I loved it.

She loved to snuggle close and many times would fall sound asleep lying on our chest. Your Papa's favorite time of the day was after your momma's bath when she was feeling sleepy and warm and relaxed. Your Papa loved giving your momma a bottle right before bed. He loved to kiss her little head and smell the baby lotion. I think they shared many secrets on those evenings. Your Papa never told.....(he's a good secret holder!)

It was their special time together when he would tell her stories and dream dreams together. He was always her brave knight and protector and she his "little princess". (Don't tell your mom I told you.....she's always been the empowered princess!) He would put her down in the bassinet reluctantly and many times just sit there and watch her sleep.

I know your momma and your daddy will be very protective of you.....but Diva will get her hugs, even if I have to send the tickle monster to grab ya! Hugs are always free here!

Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies. ~Author unknown

Why you have a Diva

Dearest Henry,

It did occur to me that some where along the line you will be asking...."How come I've got a Diva instead of a grandma?"

Simple answer: You were a very lucky and blessed boy.

Maybe you will have friends that call their grandmother by a different name. Some of my friends call themselves "Granny," "Nana", "Meme", "Nanny", "Oma", "Nan", "Gram", "Grandma", and one even calls herself "Honey Gram."

According to the dictionary a Diva is a female opera singer. ( No, that's not me unless you happen to hear me singing in the shower.)

A Diva is a person who controls what is going on in her environment and most especially her inner circle. Your Diva is bigger than life and the stories I can tell you kiddo! I'm hoping to be someone really special in your life. I want an active part in your life. I want to sweep you away on excursions, bake cookies with you, make up stories and corny jokes, have play dough in my hair, play trucks, climb trees and kiss away your boo-boos.

A Diva is a Star and I'm prepared to be the "twinkle factor in your life"

Family Portrait

Here's your first entire family portrait. 
 Did you find yourself?

What a silly Mommy and Daddy you have....Even your brothers can be a little silly.  You are being born into a really great family.

Your Mommy is so pretty and sweet.  She will love you the moment she sees your sweet face.  You are the third child and third son but you don't have to worry there is plenty of love in this family to go around.

Your Daddy is strong and handsome and will always be there to protect you.  He is a good cook and makes great food. He is also great to cuddle with and you can fall asleep on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

Your big brother Oscar will be a good friend and will look out for you.  (He won't like it if you miss up his arrangement of cars or take his toys but he will always be there for you.)  He can be bossy because he is the oldest and knows lots of stuff.  I am sure he will be happy to teach you boy things.

Your middle brother Charlie is already so excited about having a new baby.  He likes to put the doll Sam in your bassinet and rock him.  He will give you lots of attention and kisses. 

We are all anxious to meet you.  Know that you are loved and prayed for every single day.

Love and Kisses,

Your Diva  



Anxiously Awaiting Your Arrival

Dear Sweet Boy,

    Do you realize I'll be able to see your sweet face and hold you in my arms in exactly one week?  I'm starting this blog for you so you will know a little bit about your family and especially know more about your sweet momma.  You see I have known her all her life.  I was there when she was born just like your momma will be at your birth.

    I am your Diva, your Mommy's Mom.  Poppa is your Mommy's Dad. We both love you very much and have been waiting to see you.  Your Mom and Dad have already decided to name you Henry.  I looked up the meaning and had to laugh.  Henry means "home ruler" and I'm sure you will be ruling the household the minute you enter it.

    There is a candy bar named Oh Henry and it happens to be Diva's favorite. 
The Nestle Oh Henry! contains:

  • 263 calories, which is drastically more than the average for all Nestle Candy Bar Calories & Nutrition
  • 37g of carbohydrates, which is drastically more than the average for all Nestle Candy Bar Calories & Nutrition
  • 26g of sugar, which is drastically more than the average for all Nestle Candy Bar Calories and Nutrition
    Did you see the word drastically more in the description of the candy bar.  It describes how much you are loved by your Poppa and Diva (drastically more than any other Henry we know or have ever heard of!)

    We want you to know that you have been prayed for every day of your life and we have loved you every moment.  Our whole family is anxiously waiting for you and will be so glad to know of your safe arrival.

   Be kind to your Momma and let her sleep without kicking her.  

   See you Soon!

   Diva and Poppa