Monday, March 9, 2015

Just as big as your brothers

Dear Henry...

I had the biggest laugh this morning looking at this picture of you and your brothers.  You try to be just as big and bad as your big brothers.  I love your face in this picture.  I can almost hear you saying "Yes, and it was so much fun, can we do it again?"

There is such an attraction of boys to mud and I'm glad you have built in playmates .  Your brothers love to build, make bridges, forts, hills and mud mountains.  I love that you are fearless and yet it just means that your Diva is going to really have to pray extra hard for "my littlest angel" .  

This picture would make a good ad for laundry detergent .  Praise the Lord for soap and water.  I am so glad little things make you happy.  

   What does the Bible say about mud? In the second creation story in Genesis, God fashions Adam “out of the clay (mud) of the ground” (Gen.  2:7)  It is my hope and prayer that you will always be creative and love Jesus with your whole heart.

We love you and pray for you every day.

XOXO   your Diva