Saturday, May 16, 2020

You are baptized

  Dear Henry,

Today we got to watch a very special event in your life.  We were able to be present at your baptism.  You and your dad had attended the "Cannon Ball Classes" at church to prepare you for taking the next steps in your spiritual journey.  You have been wanting to be baptized for several weeks now but have been unable as we have not been able to meet as a church.

Today, pastor Aaron changed the water in the baptismal pool and invited you and your dad to come for your baptism.  You were able to invite your best buddy Jonas and his mom to watch as well as your family and of course your Poppa and Diva.

You told me afterward that the water was very cold.  We are so proud of your decision to follow Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.  We always love to hear your prayers.  We love you so very much.  Diva and Poppa